Thursday, June 28, 2012

Inaugural post & healthy nachos

I think one of the reasons why weight loss has eluded me for so long is because I am an eater by nature. For a long time, I decided that if I couldn't eat the things that I wanted while dieting, then I simply wasn't going to diet. Part of what this blog will contain are foods that I have always enjoyed remixed in a healthy way.

I'd like to preamble this first recipe by saying that I am no doctor. I will not calculate carbs or calories for you. I will not presume to tell you how much you should be consuming on a daily basis (there are sites like Sparkpeople or FitDay for this). Instead, I will tell you that the purpose of this blog is to make healthy food without sacrificing taste. I will also tell you that for my own sake, I try to keep my recipes low-carb, high-protein, and low-fat.

Cool? Cool.

So without further ado, I present to you my version of healthy nachos!